

【InVitria】OptiVERO Vero 細胞完整培養基套組


OptiVERO Vero 細胞完整培養基套組 


InVitria新推出OptiVERO,不需血清、不含任何血液衍生成分、不含動物衍生成分、不含植物水解物、化學成分確定的VERO細胞專用培養基。支持Vero細胞在T flask (2D culture) 與 microcarriers (3D culture) 的生長與擴增,並對於病毒生產進行了優化。


研究成果於2018 World Vaccine Congress發表,此新型培養基表現出明顯優於市面上無血清培養基對VERO細胞的擴增能力和病毒生產,尤其是對於一些表達系統難以表達的病毒類型生產(如下圖)。


The OptiVERO media was subjected to productivity tests using a strain of Dengue and Zika flavivirus in WT VERO. For influenza, the genetically modified VERO subclone was utilized. WT VERO cells were grown for 3-4 days prior to infection. During the virus propagation phase, cultures were fed with a 45% glucose solution and the pH of the cultures were maintained at neutral using a 7.5% sodium bicarbonate solution. (A) FBS demonstrated a lag in the production of Dengue virus compared to VP-SFM and OptiVERO while (B) Zika virus did not demonstrate any significant differences between the media. Influenza virus demonstrated a higher degree of sensitivity to different media compared to the flavivirus Dengue and Zika. (C-D) VP-SFM failed to expand a strain of Influenza A and exhibited a significant delay in a second strain while OptiVERO was able to expand both of these virus strains very efficiently. (E-F) Influenza B strains 1 and 2 exhibited similar patterns in VP-SFM as this media induced a significant delay in the time to peak titer while OptiVERO was able to efficiently expand these virus types.




  • 降低細胞培養基的變異性
  • 加速疫苗研究
  • 提高疫苗製造的可擴展性和速度
  • 降低製造時間和資源成本

現在可索取於2018 World Vaccine Congress發表的研究海報「Formulation of a blood-free and chemically defined virus production media for VERO cells」
