

QIAGEN|專題講座 ── 艱困樣本,微量 RNA/miRNA 次世代定序研究解決方案

誠摯地邀請您參加國家衛生研究院核心儀器設施中心與與捷昇生物科技共同舉辦的專題講座,會中我們將與您探索 QIAGEN 次世代定序與文庫建立的特點和應用。
時間:2023/11/2 (四) 14:00
地點:國衛院竹南院區 R1-B1122 演講廳會議室
講者:林文璇 Migo Lin / Sales Application Specialist, QIAGEN Taiwan Company Ltd . 凱杰生物科技有限公司
聯絡業務:張家瑋 / 0937-457-985 / 捷昇生物科技
主題一:微量 RNA 建庫最佳選擇 QIAseq UPXome
QIAGEN 全新推出 QIAseq UpXome 微量 RNA library kit 通過單管反應及創新性的結合 rRNA 去除獨創科技,無需任何操作以及額外純化步驟,在不損失樣本的情況下即可完成 rRNA 去除,大大的簡化建庫流程節省了操作時間。適用各種艱困樣本如 FFPE 等,讓起始樣本可以低至 500 pg input。單一試劑套組可同時應用 Transcriptome、mRNA-seq 及 3' RNA-seq 多種建庫方案!

QIAGEN's newly launched QIAseq UPXome RNA library kit uses a single-tube reaction and combines rRNA removal innovative technology without additional purification steps, reducing sample loss. The simple library workflow saves hands-on time, and is suitable for various difficult samples. UPXome RNA-seq library for low-input samples using ultraplex (UPX) cDNA pooling workflows for complete transcriptome or 3' RNA-seq starting with total RNA or mRNA enrichment.

主題二:小 RNA 大世界
miRNA 研究全方案
miRNA 作為一種內源性的 non-coding small RNA,因其對 mRNA 等分子的調控作用而受到廣泛的關注。但因其長度短、序列相似度高、GC 含量差別大等特點,針對其實現更為靈敏、特異性的檢測和研究依然面臨挑戰。然而,miRNA 表達分析研究經常受到低 RNA 量和抑制物的阻礙,特別是生物體液樣本更是如此。完整的 miRNA 研究專用解決方案 —— 從高品質 miRNA 純化到高效 miRNA 測序,以進行 miRNA 表達的資料分析及相關驗証、功能分析。通過 QIAGEN 的高性能完整 miRNA 解決方案和專業知識,促進您的 miRNA 研究。

Micro RNAs (miRNAs) are small but mighty, playing a significant role in gene expression regulation. As key players in a multitude of biological processes. Due to its short length, high sequence similarity, and differences in GC content, it is still challenging for detection and research that require high sensitivity and specificity. However, miRNA profiling in biofluid samples is challenging because biofluids contain low RNA levels, high levels of inhibitors and are susceptible to many preanalytical variables. A completely optimized solution for miRNA research – from high-quality miRNA purification to high-efficiency miRNA sequencing for data analysis of miRNA expression and related verification and functional analysis. QIAGEN's complete miRNA solutions and expertise can help your miRNA research.

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